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Nurse Practitioners

Sue Goodall


Wendy Allen

Lizzie Hooper
RGN, BSC Hons, Dip HE Nursing Studies and Diploma in COPD.

Helen Seller
RGN Family Planning, Diabetes & Asthma Management.

Katie Wills
RGN, Family Planning and Womens Health, Coil Fitting (Loc FSRH), Implant Fitting (Loc FSRH).

The Practice Nurses run morning and afternoon clinics. They change dressings, remove stitches, syringe ears, check your blood pressure, give travel advice and vaccinations and carry out cervical smears. They also run well man and well woman clinics and clinics dealing with asthma, respiratory problems, blood pressure, coronary heart disease, diabetes, family planning, HRT, incontinence, overweight and stopping smoking.

In addition to these clinics we also employ a Phlebotomist and Healthcare Assistants who are available for blood tests ordered by the doctor every weekday morning by appointment. They are also trained to carry out ECGs.

Nurse Triage,  Sue , our Specialist Nurse is qualified to see and treat many minor illnesses and ailments that were previously seen by the doctors. She is also able to issue prescriptions for some conditions.