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Annual Health Check Survey

We have recently sent out a text message that appears to have caused some concern within the community. These are not a scam or phishing. The number these messages would have been sent from is 07903 586921. This number is a secure number that is used solely by Willow Green Surgery. We apologise for any alarm caused.

Each year we need to try, where possible, to ensure your records are as up to date as they can be. As you can imagine this has been difficult with the pandemic.

Over the coming weeks we will be sending out a series of text messages to those we are able to ask general questions like weight, smoking status and alike. These surveys would be generic one word replies like previous years, for example, are you a smoker? The text would then ask you to reply SMOKE if you are a smoker, EX if you are an ex smoker or NEVER if you have never smoked. If you were to send a one worded message, for example NEVER, there is no personal identifiable data in this message. Therefore if this message was intercepted there would be no usable data within this message.

When these text messages are sent out we would appreciate a reply.

Thank you