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Health Promotion Clinics

We are keen to do anything we can to help to prevent illness.

Much depends on your own lifestyle. Smoking, being overweight and alcohol consumption in excess are all harmful. Regular exercise, a well-balanced diet with plenty of roughage and making time to relax away from the pressures of the usual routine are all very important.

However, there are some procedures and checks we can help with.

DiabeticPractice NurseBy appointment
AsthmaPractice NurseBy appointment
Blood PressurePractice Nurse/HCABy appointment
Child HealthHealth VisitorBy appointment
 Dr WrightBy appointment
 Dr SanghaniBy appointment
 Dr LeeBy appointment
 Dr LednorBy appointment
Minor SurgeryDr SanghaniBy appointment
OverweightPractice NurseBy appointment
IncontinencePractice NurseBy appointment
Stop SmokingPractice Nurse/HCABy appointment


Cervical smears normally every three years.

Breast checks self-examination monthly following instruction from one of the nurses.

All Adults (25 Years and Over)

  • Blood pressure check every five years.
  • Urine test every three years.
  • Tetanus booster every 10 years plus oral polio to a maximum of five.
  • Cholesterol check once only if a close blood relative has ever had a heart attack or stroke aged 65 or less.

Over 75s

Three year reviews and annual reviews with the practice nurse are available on request.

Flu Vaccinations

Clinics are held every October and November. Please telephone in September to see when the flu vaccination clinics are being held and to book an appointment.

We recommend the flu vaccinations for:

  • Anybody of or above pensionable age
  • For all patients with long-standing chest, heart or lung complaints.
  • Diabetes
  • Liver or kidney disease
  • Most chronic debilitating illnesses
  • Those living in residential homes
  • Those taking immunosuppressant medicines
  • Those who are the main carer for an elderly or disabled person who relies on the Carer.


We recommend that anyone over the age of 65 should have a pneumovax injection for protection against pneumonia.This is a one-off injection and lasts a lifetime. If you have already had this injection at a previous surgery, please let us know and we can add this to your records.