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Patient Link

Patient Link, which is based at Willow Green Surgery, was started in 1990 by a patient (“Jack” Russell) with the support of the doctors. It has since achieved Charity status and is run by a board of Trustees. 

The aims are:

To provide a volunteer driver service which takes adult Willow Green patients to appointments at the Surgery, local clinics and hospitals.

Using donations from these drives and other funds raised in the local community to provide extra equipment for the Surgery.  This has included health monitoring equipment and the flooring and chairs for the waiting room.

Our phone line – 01903 788142 – is open for messages even when the office is not occupied and you are asked to leave your details so a coordinator can get back to you and link you to a driver.  We would ask for a few days’ notice for this but recognise that changes in how Surgery appointments are given out may not allow for this.

We encourage patients using our service to make a donation, £1 a mile being the suggestion.  After drivers’ expenses have been deducted, these funds are then used to benefit the surgery.

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer or would like further information, please CLICK HERE to fill out the online form or call 01903 788142

We need your help


Can you spare a few hours a week/month and have a car? Would you be able to take patients to and from appointments?

man driving a car wearing wrist watch


Are you able to spare a morning or afternoon to speak to patients on the phone and arrange transportation for them?

black ip desk phone on black wooden table


Each year fundraising events are held to raise money to ensure we deliver the service. Are you able to help?

cupcake on footed tidbit


We need 2nd hand books to sell to help raise funds for the practice. This helps us buy equipment and other things. Can you help with some donations?

If you can help with any of the above,

please CLICK HERE to fill out the online form

or call 01903 788142.